Wednesday, November 12, 2008

They Got It From Their Parents

What's racist, red and white all over? Rexburg, Idaho. That town's children chant "Assassinate Obama" on their school bus." BYU, Rexburg Psych prof sez:

"I think the thing that struck us was just like, 'Where did they get the word and why would they put that word and that person together?'"
This is a job for Captain Obvious!



rainlion said...

Then there was the teacher's aide in Pennsylvania who told a biracial child that Obama would be shot and killed, and that he'd ruined it for her and her children... These people are amazingly disgusting

Anacher Forester said...

Thanks for checking in, rainlion.

These stories are both deeply disturbing and flat-out sad. In my "Views from the Ground" series, I highlight a few reports of racial hysteria from friends around the US (here & here).

I try to focus on the positive -- otherwise I wouldn't get out of bed! But Obama's campaign & election brought racism to the fore like no recent time. (I was a blissfully unaware child in the '60s). This is our opportunity to change at least some of these backward attitudes and perceptions. Because they count on our silence, we must start by exposing their bigotry for all its ugliness.

This won't be pretty.