Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's Not Just The "Gays" That Are Pissed About Rick Warren

LA Times: Obama's choice of Rick Warren to lead prayer dismays Hollywood liberals. I'm still waiting for the media to recognize plenty of people who are not gay and don't work Hollywood that are livid over this.



Liesl said...

No.fucking.shit. I am SO pissed about people thinking it's just a gay issue! It's a human issue, fuckwits!

Sorry, to spleen all over your blog. I'm pissed, god damn it! And Cheney better be charged with war crimes! I can see why the new admin wouldn't want to, attempting to bring us together, finally. I actually think that's a good argument, but damn! that motherfucker violated our most cherished ideals and he broke our cherished law!

Anacher Forester said...

Spleen away. I'm all about the spleen. We have another 4 weeks to make people understand that Rick Warren is a bigot. His participation in Obama's inauguration tacitly validates his bigotry.

As for Cheney, I agree with you but Obama will have his hands full. I am hopeful the our new Justice Dept. will come across some charge that will stick to Dick.


Liesl said...

We can hope. One of my students kept bugging me to watch Rendition all last semester. I finally watched it last night and got even more angry! Have you seen it?

Anacher Forester said...

No, I'm afraid it will cause me to have another seizure.

Seriously tho', I'm too depressed, physically beat up and most of all seething with rage to deal. Might as well include my anxiety over the future of our republic in there too.

I have a bunch of films like "Rendition", "No End In Sight", etc., on hold. These are the Bush administration crimes I know all too well. To fill in the blanks right now seems overwhelming. That's not in the least because I'm learning so much more new shit each and every day as Bush readies his escape.

It may sound strange but, Rick Warren aside, I think I need the catharsis of Obama's inauguration before I can stomach an even closer look back at George & Dick's tragic, criminal shenanigans.

Hope is on the way.

Liesl said...

I totally get that. I went through a period of despair and depression during the election, mid September until almost the end of the cycle, because it was all so god damned despair worthy. I had to force myself to turn off MSNBC after awhile. Still, I can't think about these things too much because it is inconceivable to me that we, American citizens, sat back and did/are doing relatively nothing while our government tortures people. How is it possible we no longer adhere to the Geneva Convention? How? Blah, no more of this.